Asare Immigration Consulting Inc.


When individuals apply on their own, Study Permits are often denied because a compelling case was not made to persuade, lead or assist the decision maker to reach the conclusion you desire.

Foreign nationals who require visas to travel to Canada undergo stringent and rigorous screening process than foreign nationals who do no not require visas to travel to Canada.

Study Permit application is a complex and lengthy process. It involves extensive gathering and plotting of personal and family information as well as providing other relevant documents to support your application. Canada's screening process consists solely of an online paper application with no interview.

This makes it crucial to assemble the relevant supporting materials and prepare a strong application to help immigration or visa officers to make a favourable decision based on the information contained in your application.

When applicants apply on their own, there is a high rate of refusal because many applicants do not appreciate the process and end up paying a high refusal price.

Common Reasons for Refusal

Other Factors that May Impact your Study Permit Application

Can I File an Appeal Against a Study Refusal?

Immigration is about people and their unique experiences, but it is also a
complex system of laws, regulations and processes. There is no right to appeal the refusal of an application for TRV, study permit and work permit to the Immigration and Refugee Board (IRB).

If you have reasons to believe that Canadian immigration or visa officers did not follow due process in reaching a refusal decision, you may file a judicial review at the Federal Court if you are granted leave to do so.

Other than that, you may reapply for reconsideration. Working with an experienced immigration professionals will increase your chances of success because they understand the processes and requirements of Canadian immigration law. Schedule a Strategy Session with AICI for a reliable and hassle-free service.