Asare Immigration Consulting Inc.

Caution: why you should not APPLY ON YOUR OWN

Why You Should Not Apply on Your Own

Working with highly experienced immigration professionals optimizes your chances of avoiding costly mistakes and submitting a successful application.

Canadian visas are often refused when individuals apply on their own, because a compelling case was not made to persuade a decision maker to approve the visa or permanent residence.

Citizens from visa-required countries must make a compelling case to pass the believability test of a decision maker. Citizens from visa-required countries are scrutinized and subjected to much more stringent and thorough screening by Canadian immigration and visa officers.

Most applications necessitate gathering extensive personal and family information to build bonafide profile. Applicants are required to submit several documents to support and justify claims in their application.

Keep in mind that unlike the United States and other European countries, Canada’s screening process is only done through online and in limited cases paper application without interview (except under special cases or when applicants are required to appear in-person for a hearing). This is why it’s extremely important to prepare and present a persuasive application as Canadian immigration and visa officers will decide based on the information provided in the application.

We recognize that many individuals do not fully appreciate the lengthy and complexities involved and there is a high rate of refusal when individuals apply on their own.