Prince Edward Island Provincial Business Programs (PEI PNP)
This category is for international entrepreneurs and investors with a net worth of at least $600,000 Canadian and the ability to invest at least $150,000 in a fully operational business.
The PEI PNP investor program has a Work Permit Stream, which allows international entrepreneurs to work on a temporary work permit to set up their business in Canada.
If they meet the requirements of their Business Performance Agreement, they will receive provincial nomination for permanent residence.
Yukon Business Nominee (YNP)
The Yukon Business Nominee program is for foreign investors and entrepreneurs who are seeking to acquire and operate a business in Yukon.
Applicants who have sufficient experience in business ownership and management and who have a net worth of $500,000 Canadian are qualified.
They must invest at least $300,000 Canadian for the first 2 years.
Northwest Territory Business Pathways
This pathway is for international entrepreneurs and investors who want to acquire and establish a business in the territory.
The business must contribute to economic development in the territory by creating jobs.
You must have a net worth of at least $500,000 Canadian and invest at least $300,000 to qualify.
There can never be an exciting opportunity to do business or invest in Canada than today.
If you need help to understand or explore any of the business immigration pathways offered by any of the provinces, our experienced immigration practitioner can help you make the right choice.
Why not schedule a strategy session with us or contact us to advance your immigration goals?